1、What are the library hours? What types of books that are collected in each reading room?
For detailed and latest information, readers can visit "Opening hours".
2、How many books can teachers and students borrow respectively? And how long does the loan period last each?
One undergraduate can borrow eight books once at most and keep the books for one month, while one postgraduate and one teacher fifteen books and the period is three months.
3、How many times can readers renew books? How long is the term of renewal?
Books for circulation can be renewed only once on-line or at the circulation desk . The term of renewal starts from the day the book is renewed and lasts one month. Books that are reserved by others cannot be renewed.
4、How can readers reserve books online?
Readers can login to Search Catalog System on the library home page to search the required book and then submit the reservation application.
5、How can readers receive expiry email?
Readers can login to My Library on the library home page, click Modify Information and fill in frequently used email address in the Email Column.
6、Where can readers download Mobile Library app and what functions does this app have?
Readers can download Mobile Library app to their smart phonesby scanning QR code on the bottom right of the library home page. Through the Mobile Library app, readers can check their library collection information and renew books as well as download electronic books.
7、What should readers do if their campus cards fail to work in the library?
If they can’t borrow books and meanwhile Huiwen Library System shows “Bar code error”, they can go to the Campus Card Management Center (room 116) to register. Then they can borrow books in 24 hours.
If they can’t choose a seat in the reading room, they can go to electronic reading room and ask teachers in charge to renew the seat choosing function of their cards.
8、What should readers do if they’ve forgotten the password?
Generally there are five situations.
Password for My library,Mobile Library and Self-serviceTyping Copying and Printing System: The original password is their student number. If readers have forgotten the new password after changing it, they can go to electronic reading room and ask the teachers in charge to reset their password.
Password for WLAN(SUES): The original password is date of birth (totally 8 digits). If readers have forgotten the new password after changing it, they can consult the Network Management Center.
Passwords for Course Selection System, Course Center and Campus Network: They can consult their instructor or relevant departments.
Passwords for Student Management Information System: They can go to Students’ Affairs Division (the first floor of Students and Staff Activities Center) to ask for help.
Passwords for Teaching Management System: Readers can consult the Teaching Affairs Office (room A109 of the Teaching Building)
9、What should readers do if the library procedure shows “failure to pass” when they apply for school leaving online?
Possibly, they have overdue books to return or they violated the rules and regulations of the library before. For more details, they can call 67791390.
10、What should users do if they can’t use VPN?
VPN is a remote channel, through which the off-campus teachers and students can have access to campus network resources, so users must use it on the premise of off-campus environment. Users can enter the campus environment through the encrypted entry by inputting student card number (or staff number) and password. Readers can call 67791134 when meeting login failure or forgetting the password.
11、What is the result of readers’ losing books or carrying out books or periodicals illegally?
If readers loss the borrowed books, they need to compensate the loss in the room 152 of the library. If readers carry out the books or periodicals illegally, they will be given a ticket the reading room teachers and they need to go to room 152 of the library for further dealing.
12、Can readers get a receipt when they compensate for the lost books?
All money collected by the library will be uploaded to the school bank account through the POS System. Readers have to inform teachers in charge in advance if they want receipt.
13、What should readers do if they have questions about borrowing record?
They can consult the teacher in charge in the room 152 on site or call 67791390.
14、How can readers express their comments or suggestions about the work and services of the library?
They can write down their comments or suggestions on the opinion book in each reading room or drop their suggestion letter in suggestion box on the second floor of the library.
15、How can readers know the lectures that have been held or will be held?
Readers can login the library home page and find out all lectures information through the lecture section.
16、What should readers do if they can’t use the database?
Readers can login to the library home page, enter guide to the library entry section and then click the database guide link. Through the guide link, they can download Database Instructions or consult those responsible in the instruction.
17、What should readers do if they can’t use the Self-service Typing Copying and Printing System?
Readers can get electronic version of using instructions for Self-service Typing Copying and Printing System by clicking the Self-service Typing Copying and Printing System link in the section of download documents on the bottom right of the library home page. Meanwhile, there is printed version of using instruction right above the Self-service Typing Copying and Printing machines on the first, second and third floor of the library. Readers can also consult teachers in the reading room if there is any question in the process of using.
18、What should readers do if there are garbage characters when using the Self-service Typing Copying and Printing System?
First of all, readers need to check the version of their original document and update the typing software to the latest version if the document is PDF. If the document to type is webpage, readers are advised to go to professional printing shop as the Garbage characters are caused by discrepancy between the website setting and the Network Control Features.
19、How can readers apply for the sci-tech novelty retrieval service?
Firstly, Readers can enter the sci-tech novelty retrieval column through the top of the library homepage and then fill in the application ticket according to the novelty retrieval process instruction. Next, they need to send the completed application ticket and relevant materials to tsgxxb@sues.edu.cn.Finally, they need to call 67791306, the Department of Information, for further confirmation.
20、What should readers do if there is something wrong with the database?
If off campus, readers have to use the database through VPN. So first of all please confirm the VPN is working by checking whether there is a small red A letter on the bottom right of the computer desktop. If VPN doesn’t work, try to reconnect the VPN. If VPN can’t be reconnected, readers can call 67791056, the Department of Information, to ask for help.
If on campus, readers can call 67791056 to consult teachers responsible when having login trouble. They can also click the sub-column Directory of databases throughthe column entry guide on the library homepage to download the instructions of database when meeting problems like database retrieval and downloading.
21、What should readers do if they are not good at the database retrieval methods?
Readers can enter the sub-column Directory of Databases through the Entry Guide on the library homepage and download the guidance documents to use various databases.
22、Where can readers have access to the dissertations of SUES graduates?
About the dissertations of SUES graduates, readers can search the electronic edition in CNKI or Wanfang Data and find the paper version in the Periodical Reading Room.
23、Can readers borrow the dissertations of SUES graduates?
No. the dissertations of SUES graduates can only be read in the Periodical Reading Room.
24、How can readers get certificates like the paper retrieval certificate?
If postgraduates want the paper classification certificates, they must bring their printed paper publications to the room 535. Otherwise, certificates can’t be issued.
If teachers and postgraduates want certificate of paper retrieval and inclusion by SCI,EI or CPCI-S, they need to download commission sheet of paper retrieval and inclusion and send the completed commission sheet to tsgxxb@sues.edu.cn. Finally, they need to call 67791306, the Department of Information, for further confirmation.
25、How do readers inquire paper Chinese-foreign journals?
Readers can login the Bibliographic Retrieval System on the library homepage first and then follow the tips to inquire paper Chinese-foreign journals by clicking Journal Navigation.
26、Can periodicals be borrowed by readers?
The bound volume periodicals that have been processed for warehouse collection can be borrowed, with the same rules and regulations as books, while single issue periodicals about clothing and arts in the reading room NO.4 can only be read but not borrowed.
27、Can readers borrow the back issues?
The back issues can only be read in the reading room but not borrowed by the readers. If in urgent need, readers can check out those back issues through temporary borrowing procedure and return them without delay after copying and scanning.
28、How can readers submit purchase suggestions about periodicals?
The Bibliographic Retrieval System on the library homepage can only accept purchase suggestions about books. If readers want to submit purchase suggestions about periodicals, they can record the Journal Name and ISSN and then submit them through either of the following ways: Sending email to tsgqk@sues.edu.cn or submitting purchase suggestions to teachers in the periodical reading room (phone number 67791304) on the spot.
29、How can readers inquire the core journals?
Readers can enter the Chinese-foreign Core Journal Inquiry System through Core Journal, the subcatalog of resource sharing on the library homepage,to inquire the core journals.
30、Why the journals of previous years can not be found though the journals are continuously ordered by the library?
In case of academic journals, they may be bound or collected for the time being, or have been borrowed by others. In case of recreational journals, they have been disposed as back issues after removing from bookshelves at the beginning of the year.
31、How can readers have access to the literatures that have not been purchased?
Readers can enter the submodular Interlending or Document Delivery through the modular resource sharing. Document Delivery consists of two ways, reader’s self service and librarians ' service. In case of self service, readers can retrieve and submit requests for document delivery through Duxiu Knowledge Search Database. If readers need help from librarians, they can call 67791304 to consult the Periodicals Department.
32、How can readers apply for the storage box for postgraduate examination?
The storage boxes are designed for those who take part in postgraduate examination. And the library usually put up application notices in March of each year. For those in need, please pay attention.
33、How long can users own the storage box for postgraduate examination?
Generally speaking, users own the storage box till the end of the postgraduate examination, January of each year.
34、How can users use electronic storage box?
First of all, Users can read the instructions stuck on the storage box. If they have further
questions, they can go to the electronic reading room to ask for help.
35、What does a Call Number consist of ?
Call number is the only identification through which a book or periodical can be identified after cataloguing. It is stuck at the lower-middle part of book back in the form of a label. It is made up of two parts, the classification number and book order number ( or publication number), and it also serves as the basis of shelving books and periodicals.